奥克兰商学院,英文名Auckland Institute of Studies (AIS), 成立于1990年,坐落于新西兰最大的城市奥克兰,设有St Helens 和 Asquith 两个校区,是新西兰最大的私立高等教育机构之一,也是新西兰学历评估局(NZQA)认证的一类教育机构,拥有商学,信息技术,酒店管理和旅游管理四个本科学位课程及工商管理硕士和信息技术硕士学位课程。是中国教育部留学服务中心(CSCSE)和教育涉外监督信息网首批推荐的新西兰私立高等院校之一,也是SQA AD项目的新西兰官方合作院校之一。来自全球超过35个国家1000余名学生在校学习。
AIS是SQA AD 新西兰官方合作的院校之一;AIS是在新西兰教育部和NZQA注册的院校,并被NZQA认证为一类教育机构(最高水平类别);AIS是教育涉外监督网首批推荐的新西兰私立高等院校,AIS的本科和硕士毕业生回国均能通过中国教育部留学服务中心申请学位认证;毕业时间短:SQA AD升本科最短只需1年,SQA AD升硕士(限商科专业)最短只需2年半;入学时间灵活:本科课程每年3次入学时间,硕士课程每年6次入学时间;专业设置广:就读商学,计算机,酒店管理和旅游管理SQA AD的学生均可升到AIS对应的本科课程学习;就读商学类SQA AD的学生可以在完成AIS商学本科后升到AIS的工商管理硕士课程学习;AIS拥有优良的师资和多元化的学生服务团队,AIS拥有优美的校园环境与完备的基础设施,并提供150余个免费停车位多名Kiwi和中国学生顾问,就业顾问,在学习,生活,情绪和工作上帮助学生尽快适应海外环境。
申请人可以通过中国留学服务中心 SQA AD 项目组申请我校专业课程。
SQA AD 学生申请本科课程材料如下
奥克兰商学院入学申请表SQA AD成绩单和证书IELTS/TOEFL/PTE成绩报告(如有)护照
雅思成绩达到六分(单科不低于5.5 )的SQA AD毕业生申请我校本科课程可获得 NZ$1,500的专业课学费优惠。
Academic Excellence Scholarship:下学期15%的学费,申请要求是 GPA高于7.5 (满分9.0);
Academic Merit Scholarship:下学期10%的学费,申请要求是GPA高于 6.5(满分9.0)。
SQA AD Specialty | Entry Requirement | Degree Course(Year Entry) | Tuition fees | |
Academic | Language(IELTS/TOEFL/PTE) | |||
Business | AD Completion | IELTS 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.5) or TOEFL 60 (with a writing score of 18) or PTE 50 with no band lower than 42 | Bachelor of Business (Generic) (Third Year) | NZ$18,585 per 7 courses (120 credits) |
Business with Accounting
| AD Completion | IELTS 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.5) or TOEFL 60 (with a writing score of 18) or PTE 50 with no band lower than 42 | Bachelor of Business (Accounting) (Third Year) | NZ$18,585 per 7 courses (120 credits) |
Business with Marketing
| AD Completion | IELTS 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.5) or TOEFL 60 (with a writing score of 18) or PTE 50 with no band lower than 42 | Bachelor of Business (Marketing) (Third Year) | NZ$18,585 per 7 courses (120 credits) |
Business with HRM
| AD Completion | IELTS 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.5) or TOEFL 60 (with a writing score of 18) or PTE 50 with no band lower than 42 | Bachelor of Business (Management) (Third Year) | NZ$18,585 per 7 courses (120 credits) |
Hospitality Management
| AD Completion | IELTS 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.5) or TOEFL 60 (with a writing score of 18) or PTE 50 with no band lower than 42 | Bachelor of Hospitality Management (Third Year) | NZ$18,585 per 7 courses (120 credits) |
Global Trade and Business
| AD Completion | IELTS 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.5) or TOEFL 60 (with a writing score of 18) or PTE 50 with no band lower than 42 | Bachelor of Business (Generic) (Third Year) | NZ$18,585 per 7 courses (120 credits) |
Supply Chain Management: Non-manufacturing
| AD Completion | IELTS 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.5) or TOEFL 60 (with a writing score of 18) or PTE 50 with no band lower than 42 | Bachelor of Business (Generic) (Third Year) | NZ$18,585 per 7 courses (120 credits) |
Financial Services
| AD Completion | IELTS 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.5) or TOEFL 60 (with a writing score of 18) or PTE 50 with no band lower than 42 | Bachelor of Business (Generic) (Third Year) | NZ$18,585 per 7 courses (120 credits) |
Travel and Tourism
| AD Completion | IELTS 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.5) or TOEFL 60 (with a writing score of 18) or PTE 50 with no band lower than 42 | Bachelor of Tourism Management (Third Year) | NZ$18,585 per 7 courses (120 credits) |
Administration and Information Technology
| AD Completion | IELTS 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.5) or TOEFL 60 (with a writing score of 18) or PTE 50 with no band lower than 42 | Bachelor of Information Technology (Information System) (Second Year) | NZ$18,080 per 8 courses (120 credits) |
Business with Information Technology
| AD Completion | IELTS 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.5) or TOEFL 60 (with a writing score of 18) or PTE 50 with no band lower than 42 | Bachelor of Business (Generic) (Third Year) | NZ$18,580 per 7 courses (120 credits) |
Computing: Software Development
| AD Completion | IELTS 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.5) or TOEFL 60 (with a writing score of 18) or PTE 50 with no band lower than 42 | Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Development) (Second Year) | NZ$18,080 per 8 courses (120 credits) |
Computer Networking and Internet Technology
| AD Completion | IELTS 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.5) or TOEFL 60 (with a writing score of 18) or PTE 50 with no band lower than 42 | Bachelor of Information Technology (Computing Networks (Second Year) | NZ$18,080 per 8 courses (120 credits) |
Computing: Technical Support
| AD Completion | IELTS 6.0 (with no band score lower than 5.5) or TOEFL 60 (with a writing score of 18) or PTE 50 with no band lower than 42 | Bachelor of Information Technology (Computing Networks (Second Year) | NZ$18,080 per 8 courses (120 credits) |
Electronic Engineering
| N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
申请商学,酒店管理和旅游管理本科的学生最多可申请12门课程的学分转换, 可在一年内完成本科学习。申请信息技术本科的学生最多可申请14门课程的学分转换,可在一年4个月内完成本科学习。
课前英语,学习时段及费用(Presessional English Course)
英语水平 (English Requirement) | 课程日期(Course Date) | 课程长度(Course Length) | 学费(Tuition Fees) |
IELTS 4.0 | 普通英语General English 每周一开学 | 至少12周才可申请学生签证 | NZD$3600 (12周) |
IELTS 4.5 | 学术英语I English for Academic Purpose I 2020年2月3日,5月25日,9月14日 | 12周 | NZD$3600 |
IELTS 5.0 | 雅思英语 IELTS Preparation 2020年1月13日,4月6日,6月29日,9月21日 | 12周 | NZD$3600 |
IELTS 5.5(单科不低于5.0) | 新西兰四级英语证书课程 New Zealand Certificate in English Language Level 4 2020年2月3日,5月25日,9月14日 | 14周 | NZD$5180 |
IELTS 6.0(单科不低于5.5) | 新西兰五级英语证书课程 New Zealand Certificate in English Language Level 5 2020年2月3日,5月25日,9月14日 | 14周 | NZD$5180 |
学生宿舍:学生可以选择住学生宿舍。宿舍楼坐落于AIS St Helens,一共可以提供120个学生的住宿。有单人间、双人间和三人间可供学生选择。宿舍有一个公共厨房和就餐室。学生自己可以租小冰箱也可以使用免费公共冰箱。
联系人:(Contact person) Scarlett Li, Kevin Zhang
联系电话:(Tel) (64 9) 815 1717 (St Helens Campus)
传真:(Fax) (64 9) 815 1802 (St Helens Campus)
联系地址(邮编):(Address with postcode) 28a Linwood Avenue, Mt Albert, Auckland 1025 New Zealand
联系邮箱:(Email) junyal@ais.ac.nz
英文网址:(Official Website) www.ais.ac.nz
中文网址: www.studyais.cn